I came across an interesting article at All Freelance Writing regarding what are the most important qualities of a successful freelance writer. It was written by Rebecca Garland and she just made an interesting comment about the qualities that one needs to be successful in one’s writing career. She actually mentioned three points but I think I will just concentrate on 2 (as I have previously written an article about the third). Let’s split this article in two so you can focus on one trait at a time.
The thing about freelancing is there is no certainty about the compensation and the stream of projects. One minute you are full of projects and another you have none. You need to work hard every step of the way because, unlike corporate jobs, you don’t get paid vacation leaves or any other benefits. When there is no work, there is literally no pay.
I still believe that it is a great career but you need to have the determination to make it through. You don’t just sit around waiting for someone to hire you. The key is to have the following traits as discussed by Ms. Garland.
The first trait that she mentioned is the need to have STAMINA – which I agree 100%.
She mentioned having to wake up at 4:00 AM because it is the only quiet time at home. I do the same thing but not as early. My schedule starts by waking up at 6:00 AM every day because. I want to do as much as I can before my son wakes up to wreak havoc at home. (That’s an exaggeration of course. My son is a complete angel and he’s well-behaved.)
But nevertheless, you need to be able to make the proper physical sacrifices. This can give you the chance to achieve your maximum earning potential.
She also mentioned that having the ability to write well is one thing but it is not enough. If you want to build your career around your writing skills, you need more. It is important that you are able to write well on command. That is very important and I agree entirely with it. If you are the type of writer who needs inspiration and all that, you may find it hard to get the creative juices flowing when it matters the most.
As we look at the important qualities of a successful freelance writer, we will discuss the second trait that you have to possess in the second article: flexibility. In the meantime, exercise your stamina so you get to maximize the potential of your writing career.