Nowadays, it is a wise move to explore a part-time online job as a student. Mostly because of expenses and the high cost of living. This is true especially when you’re in the low and middle class of society.
Your transportation pays a fair amount of deduction to your daily allowance. That is if you go to a school/university far from your home.
But even if your school is only within walking distance, there are still projects and school materials that you need to buy. And as a college student, doing a thesis is very expensive.
And for those who are in the higher class, what about your Shopee cravings? Am I right?
Why is it important to have a part-time online job?
Part-time online work or what some young adults and teenagers nowadays call a side hustle helps students with their financial problems. Not completely, but it is an extra income for our dying wallets.
Not only that, but you can also help your parents or guardians who aid and pay for your education.
Experience is also another benefit. A part-time job helps students prepare for their future careers. It can hone your skills and serve as an edge when you apply for your first job. For one, this kind of work teaches discipline. It also teaches responsibility and time management.
These are only a few of the benefits of having a part-time online job and why it’s a necessity to have quality schoolwork.
How To Start A Part-Time Online Job?
The first step is to have a proper device (laptop or desktop) and a stable Internet connection.
In today’s era, you can also work anywhere as smartphones are modern enough to access a lot of applications. You can work on niches like chat sales and customer service as you can talk to clients through WeChat, WhatsApp, Gmail, Skype, or even Messenger. If you have a small business, you can use an app by Facebook called Meta Business Suite.
Now let’s get Technical!
Knowing your capabilities online plays an important role. If you’re like me who grew up playing video games on computers, that’s an advantage!
Being knowledgeable in MS applications, especially Word and Excel, can be a necessity because companies and businesses use them extensively. Data analysts and writers use it because of its accessibility.
Coding and Data Entry, on the other hand, will come in when you want to dabble on the technical side of online job platforms. It is a lot more fun to take on a part-time online job if it is something you already know and love to do.
Communicating is an essential skill to learn. Whether it’s verbal or written communication skills, you must master how to be fluent and formal. How? Practice. You can do it while taking a shower, or even talking inside your mind. Think of scenarios and play out how you’ll converse with different people. Confidence is also important.
Tip: Learn how to professionally approach a manager or a client for jobs you’d like to apply for. Knowing the netiquette (proper Internet netiquette) is a must.

After identifying the skills you need to learn and improve, it’s time to be a job seeker. Create a resumé and an account to be verified as an online freelancer. Here are some of the platforms that can jumpstart your career. These sites can help jumpstart your hunt for a part-time online job.
- Upwork – https://www.upwork.com/
- Indeed – https://ph.indeed.com/?r=us
- Online Jobs Ph – https://www.onlinejobs.ph/
- Job Street – https://www.jobstreet.com.ph/
While studying…
It is, after all, only a part-time job. Some work allows flexible time. Pick a job that you can do before or after school hours. A quick suggestion is to choose a job that pays based on output rather than the amount of time clocked in every week.
Just remember to give yourself enough time to rest.
Smartphones have alarms and notes that you may use to remind you of your work, school, and personal hours.
It’s time to act. Have the courage to take the first step!
Now. Not later and tomorrow. Besides, there’s no harm in trying.
Ideas are not meant to be stored inside our minds, it’s time to take the initiative. I know it’s a lot of work, but success comes from that.
Besides, a part-time online job allows you to work for that Starbucks you are craving…